
Sunday, July 7, 2013

Criteria for Living Things

What is Life?
Group discussion on the defining criteria of living things

Criteria (for a living thing)
How Would You Test this Criteria
Requires Oxygen
Place it in a controlled environment. Wait. Measure the composition of the air (less oxygen, more carbon dioxide/water vapour)
It could chemically react with components in the air, not due to respiration.
Responds to Stimuli
Introduce changes in its environment (light/dark, temperature changes, sound, other organisms)
Its response may be unnoticeable. It may not respond to such changes in environment.
Requires Nutrition
Observe it in its natural environment. See if it consumes food/water.
It may not need much nutrition at the time or all the time. It may not consume food but instead produce energy (plants).
Has Cells
Use a microscope to test if it has cells.
It might be a single-celled organism.

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